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mod:changes [2025/02/02 17:59] allocmod:changes [2025/02/04 19:09] (current) alloc
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 ====== Version 4 ====== ====== Version 4 ======
 +===== Patchnotes 4.2.2 =====
 +**ATTENTION: With this patch the mod is only compatible with V1.2 of 7 Days To Die. Please update the main game in which this mod is installed to this version.**
 +==== Fixed ====
 +  * Updated the mod DLL for the new version.
 +  * Newly required spawn IDs added to spawning.xml.
 +  * Normal plants, such as the yellow iris and the leafy plants, no longer give a block of themselves when they are destroyed (Destroy=0 added to the master block).
 +  * The Tofu and Tofu2 blocks had swapped models for full/empty.
 +  * In the Shelf_Drugs block, the model of the full cabinet was added to the XML.
 +  * Challenges Buy and Sell had swapped descriptions.
 +  * In the quest "Über 7 Brücken.../Bridge over trouble water" the old block names were still entered as rewards (resulted in red errors).
 +  * In the quest "Up and Down" the quest reward (bandages) was deactivated.
 +  * Trader_Bob was incorrectly rotated by 90°.
 +  * The quest bag in Cabin_3 was buried too deep.
 +  * Blocking the inventory slots with the lock symbol (new system) works again.
 +==== Changed ====
 +  * Reduced the amount of water in the loot.
 +  * Added "destroy_on_close" to many loot containers that have an empty model, they will now be downgraded to an empty model when looting.
 +  * The fermenter is now included in the loot group "General Big" and will therefore be found more often.
 +==== Added ====
 +  * The "Collect fish" challenge now has the right icon.
 ===== Patchnotes 4.1.29 (Tool-/Weaponcrafting) ===== ===== Patchnotes 4.1.29 (Tool-/Weaponcrafting) =====
   * The drawing set can now be made with split wood. (The woodboard could only be made in workbench T2, for which you need a drawing set first)   * The drawing set can now be made with split wood. (The woodboard could only be made in workbench T2, for which you need a drawing set first)
   * All horses can now be healed with the Horse Healing Bandage.   * All horses can now be healed with the Horse Healing Bandage.
 ===== Patchnotes 4.1.27 ===== ===== Patchnotes 4.1.27 =====
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   * Saddle -> Tamed horses now have a saddle and saddlebags when tamed.   * Saddle -> Tamed horses now have a saddle and saddlebags when tamed.
   * Created drums and stone tablets for new team members and rebuilt the POI aam_pagoda_3 as "Hall of Builders".   * Created drums and stone tablets for new team members and rebuilt the POI aam_pagoda_3 as "Hall of Builders".
 ====== Version 3 ====== ====== Version 3 ======
 ===== Patchnotes 3.0.113 ===== ===== Patchnotes 3.0.113 =====
 According to our tests, no restart is necessary. However, some changes may only take effect after a day ingame or after creating a new savegame. Due to the large number of changes,we would recommend a restart. According to our tests, no restart is necessary. However, some changes may only take effect after a day ingame or after creating a new savegame. Due to the large number of changes,we would recommend a restart.
mod/changes.1738519180.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/02 17:59 by alloc