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Version 4

Patchnotes 4.2.2

ATTENTION: With this patch the mod is only compatible with V1.2 of 7 Days To Die. Please update the main game in which this mod is installed to this version.


  • Updated the mod DLL for the new version.
  • Newly required spawn IDs added to spawning.xml.
  • Normal plants, such as the yellow iris and the leafy plants, no longer give a block of themselves when they are destroyed (Destroy=0 added to the master block).
  • The Tofu and Tofu2 blocks had swapped models for full/empty.
  • In the Shelf_Drugs block, the model of the full cabinet was added to the XML.
  • Challenges Buy and Sell had swapped descriptions.
  • In the quest “Über 7 Brücken…/Bridge over trouble water” the old block names were still entered as rewards (resulted in red errors).
  • In the quest “Up and Down” the quest reward (bandages) was deactivated.
  • Trader_Bob was incorrectly rotated by 90°.
  • The quest bag in Cabin_3 was buried too deep.
  • Blocking the inventory slots with the lock symbol (new system) works again.


  • Reduced the amount of water in the loot.
  • Added “destroy_on_close” to many loot containers that have an empty model, they will now be downgraded to an empty model when looting.
  • The fermenter is now included in the loot group “General Big” and will therefore be found more often.


  • The “Collect fish” challenge now has the right icon.

Patchnotes 4.1.29 (Tool-/Weaponcrafting)

  • The drawing set can now be made with split wood. (The woodboard could only be made in workbench T2, for which you need a drawing set first)
  • All horses can now be healed with the Horse Healing Bandage.

Patchnotes 4.1.27

The mod is compatible with version 1.1 of 7 Days to Die. Old game saves are not compatible. Corresponding adjustments to the version are not mentioned separately in the patch notes. We do not currently deliver a pre-designed map. Therefore, a map must be generated in the corresponding menu to create a savegame.

Random World Generation (RWG)

  • From this version on, maps can be generated by the player himself. This required some additions and changes to the POIs.
  • Adjustment of the base size of the POIs to a fixed grid system.
  • Adding suitable tags to the POIs so that they only spawn in the corresponding areas.
  • Adjustment of the rotation and ground level of the POIs.
  • Adding and customizing the tiles for each category and roads.
  • Adding some “parts” that are probably spawned on the tiles.
  • Customization of the XML to spawn only Asia buildings.

Challenges (removal of skill points)

  • With the introduction of challenges, the unlocking of workbenches with skill points has been removed.
  • A series of challenges has been added for each workbench level, which unlocks the corresponding recipe.
  • For simple weapons and tools, a challenge series is added that provides a book for unlocking the recipes.
  • Further challenge series are provided as an explanation of the various mechanics in the Asia mod.
  • Note: The challenges are not as extensively explained in the descriptions as in the vanilla version. Rather, the challenges are intended to replace the diary and are therefore provided with diary-like entries. Some challenges will still be changed, in particular “Gathering” will be replaced by “Crafting”. However, a bug in V1.1 still prevents this, so changes will probably be made in V2.0 of the vanilla version once the bug has been fixed.

Revision of blocks.xml

  • Adjustment of the sorting of the blocks
  • Adjustment of the block names
  • Addition of categories
  • New structure of the master blocks with the basic values
  • Sorting of loot containers (full, empty, for players)
  • Sorting of light sources (POI, burning, non-burning)
  • Addition of helper and multi blocks (especially for POI builders)
  • Addition of empty blocks for loot containers (reduction of respawn)
  • Adjustment of repair materials and costs
  • New sorting and categories in the creative menu

Revision of POIs

  • Most of the POIs have been slightly revised.
  • The POIs have been reorganized into difficulty levels.
  • In aam_Kaserne, the rear pallisades have been damaged so that players realize that the outside area belongs to the POI.

Reworked UI

  • Reorganization of the categories in the creative menu
  • Addition of the appropriate icons in the creative menu


  • You no longer get bark when chopping down bamboo.
  • Removed the non-existent action class “ModifySDX” from the buff “buffPerkAbilityUpdate” (caused a yellow error).
  • The scoop is now only available in quality 1 from the trader.
  • Changed the Tantutu and Tanegaschima to Hold-Type 84, because the used Hold-Type of the Blunderbuss (39) is no longer available. (Animation no longer fits)
  • Fixed the forever ongoing buff after drinking water (MetabolismDuration is set to 1 when starting the game).
  • The titles of the overlays during the quests are now displayed (no longer TO DO).
  • Added the aam_SamuraiFeral Zombie, also known as Mini-Me, to the spawn list so that it appears in the world.
  • Rebuilt trader imposters to remove ghost images from vanilla POIs.


  • Iron sand is found much more frequently in gravel blocks.
  • Various Unity packages revised (Models, Collider, Materials, Textures).
  • Nails have been replaced by wooden dowels (craftable at the workbench).
  • The water bucket from the well now unpacks to clear and dirty water, total amount reduced.
  • Prefabs from user folders (LocalPrefabs) are prioritized over prefabs of the same name from the mod folder.
  • The color palette and the drawing set are now created directly with pigments (intermediate step via dye mod is omitted).
  • Removed the upgrade of “aam_trap_blockade_1” (Extend adjusted), it is no longer upgraded to spikes.
  • Added a separate material for tatami blocks, which has lateral stability, so cantilevered floors can also be built with it.
  • Target folder/mod for new prefabs adjustable via -newprefabsmod argument
  • Revised the wood production. There is now not only “wood” as a resource, but different processing stages of a log (large log, small log, split wood, planks, beams, planed planks, branches, straight sticks).
  • The complete Items.xml has been revised. Sorted and structured the xpath changes, sorted the items into categories and made them individually expandable.
  • Packed the icon names of all items into a naming scheme (aam_item_category_name) so that they are sorted in the icons folder.
  • The icon names have also been adapted in items-modifiers.xml.
  • Some fragments can now be purchased earlier from the trader, and they can now also be sold to the trader.
  • Removed the item “unique-only” from the weapon and tool categories at the merchants. This should make it possible to get more than one type of weapon, tool or fragment from the trader.
  • Moved the reward of three perks from the progression to the buffs (Parkour, Physician, Cooking)
  • In the start quest, the branches are now also marked with the tracking symbol.
  • Start quest adjusted (display of messages, crafting armor, forwarding to the challenges).
  • Added a step in the last start quest (Campfire and Screamer) (open challenge window) so that the quest is completed properly.
  • The burnt Tatara now gives Tamahagane when mined and can no longer be repaired with stone.
  • The number of quests per level has been reduced from 15 to 12.
  • The balancing of quest rewards has been adjusted slightly; more fragments and broken weapons should now be offered more often.
  • Removed the DireWolf from the group of wolves (should no longer spawn in POIs).
  • The steel arrows can now be crafted directly in Forge T2 without fragments and recipe book.
  • The arrow bundles can currently be crafted without Rezpet or unlocking (may still need to be adjusted).
  • Added the block description to the storage crates.
  • The azalea bushes are no longer tracked in the quests.
  • Adjusted the icons and description for the storage baskets and crates.
  • Halved the number of fresh grasses in the Grass Soup recipe.
  • Cleaned up the XML file sounds.xml a bit.
  • Cleaned up the recipes.xml XML file a bit.
  • Slightly reduced the spawn of wild animals.
  • Rebalancing the weapon skills
  • the parent categories “Melee” and “Ranged” have received an increased damage bonus (was +10% now +15% @ Lvl 100) and less stamina loss (was -10% now -15% @ Lvl 100).
  • the actual weapon types, e.g. “Club Master”, have the highest damage bonus (was +10% now +25% @ Lvl 100) and less stamina loss (was -5% now -15% @ Lvl 100).
  • the single weapon, e.g. the normal club, has a significantly reduced damage bonus (was +25% now +15% @ Lvl 100) and also the stamina loss is less reduced (was -20% now -10% @ Lvl 100).
  • thus a shift in favor of the weapon class, which makes switching to a higher weapon of the same class much more attractive.
  • Available skill points are no longer displayed at the top of the skill window.
  • Adjusted the display at level-up so that a comment on the skill points no longer appears there.
  • Set the loot drop chance of the Tiger to 0.
  • Set the loot drop chance of the Mini-Me to 0.5 (it drops gloves, armor or helmet of the Legendary Red Armor).
  • Reworked logo and start menu background.
  • Icon for the simple healing bandage added to avoid confusion.
  • After completing a quest level, you will be directed to the traders in a fixed order.
  • Fixed spawn point near the starting trader.
  • The bark now has its own material and can no longer be disassembled into wood.
  • Corrected the repair and upgrade items for the wood spikes of all upgrade levels to branches.
  • Cloth can now be crafted in the T2 tailoring station.
  • The POI aam_chewitemple now also has trader protection.
  • The backpacks for inventory expansion as mods for the chest armor added again, craftable in workbench T1, tailoring T2 and T3.


  • Various wall blocks added.
  • Sail picture “Panda” added.
  • Added more Kakemono (“wall paintings”).
  • Added new loot box “Dragon” and recipe for the player.
  • Dead plants give partially rotten vegetables when harvested.
  • Added plant fertilizer (shortens the growth time by 30% after upgrading the plants).
  • Added two blocks of “stone vase” with soil, where deco plants can be used.
  • Added preparation for more difficult quests (Ronin quests). (not yet active)
  • Created two new blocks with windows to match the mine walls.
  • Added a new item “bone meal”, which is used for fertilizer and plant containers (further use of bones, as they are no longer needed for glue).
  • Resin is now available as a waste product from woodworking. This is now used to make glue.
  • Branches can now also be found and picked up in the world.
  • Support for blocks with AoE buffs.
  • There are now trackers in quests for branches and stones for additional blocks.
  • Added a special healing bandage for the horse, it can also be crafted base materials in the pocket.
  • Added T5 quests and included them in the trader list.
  • Added first drop player armor (Primitive, Legendary 1 & 2).
  • Added back quests when completing quest tiers that send you to the next trader.
  • Saddle → Tamed horses now have a saddle and saddlebags when tamed.
  • Created drums and stone tablets for new team members and rebuilt the POI aam_pagoda_3 as “Hall of Builders”.

Version 3

Patchnotes 3.0.113

According to our tests, no restart is necessary. However, some changes may only take effect after a day ingame or after creating a new savegame. Due to the large number of changes,we would recommend a restart. As we had to make minor adjustments to various POIs and the traders, this may have resulted in small errors on the map, which will be corrected at a later date. However, this should not affect the game experience.

Known bug

  • If you do not have all items in your inventory when handing in the quests for belts etc. and note quests and have completed a normal quest at the same time, the windows at the trader are overlaid.
  • This bug has already been fixed in the developer version. However, we have postponed the update for this until version 3.1, as the complete skills would be reset and existing game saves would therefore no longer be usable.


  • Various descriptions and names have been changed to make it clearer to the player which items fulfill which function and how they are made.
  • Various typos corrected.
  • Various descriptions corrected and added.


  • Tatami-Sheets and Woodbrown_Sheet slightly raised to prevent flickering of the texture.
  • Name and icons of the pharmacy cabinets corrected.
  • The block placeholders for the Tansu cabinets F to H have been added, so the loot is now also correct.
  • Corrected the number of mod slots in the bows and crossbows.
  • TortureTable fixed (probably, textures were sometimes pink or missing).
  • All animals and animations converted to Rootmotion. Changed how animals perform animations in A21. That's why most of the Asia animals just slipped around. This affects the following animals:

Chickens/roosters (aam_chicken_female1, aam_chicken_female2, aam_chicken_female3,aam_chicken_female4, aam_chicken_male) Deer (aam_deer_female, aam_deer_male) Pandas (aam_panda, aam_panda_baby, aam_redpanda) Rabbits (aam_rabbit_lightbrown, aam_rabbit_lightgrey) Snakes (aam_snake_greenpitviper, aam_snake_tigerkeelback) Tigers (aam_tiger_orange, aam_tiger_white)

  • In case of belt loss, items are no longer placed in the invisible belt slots when picking up the player backpack.
  • Fixed the bug when spawning a wandering horde at special game stages (15, 24, 44).
  • Fog patches are now correctly displayed only at night.
  • The player's moaning sound during heavy attacks with the bamboo spear is now played in time.
  • The Tanto knife and the Kanabo club now wear out when used.
  • The names of the values of the lucky amulet are displayed correctly again.
  • Added punch sounds for fist punches.
  • Fixed bugs in various animal animations.
  • Damage values against zombies of defective weapons adjusted to approx. 80% of self-made weapons (exception: bows/crossbows).
  • The damage values against blocks of the defective tools have been adjusted to approx. 80% of the self-made tools.
  • Corrected the LOD of the resource stones, they are now displayed early.

POI Fixes

  • Stabilized the roof of aam_farmhouse_4.
  • Stabilized the roof of aam_horse_farm_1.
  • Increased the difficulty of aam_house_0 to level 2.
  • Wall and carts in aam_house_8 did not like each other, so they were moved apart.
  • Made the loot boxes in aam_store_2 in the floor functional again.
  • Convinced 2 panels in aam_great_wall_south that they want to match in color.
  • Soil taken from the wooden floor of aam_school_1.
  • Replaced floor tiles in aam_tavern_1.
  • Moved the carts in aam_ricefield 1 away from the wall so that they no longer collide.
  • Made the loot boxes in aam_store_7 in the floor lootable again.
  • Made the lootboxes in aam_mansion lootable again.
  • Made the lootboxes in aam_graveyard_small lootable again.


  • Reduced the chance of rain, fog and storms.
  • Reduced the bamboo iron arrow recipe from 5x bamboo to 4x.
  • Changed the sound “Block cannot be set” to a custom sound.
  • Added the Hojo Zombie as a running version (incl. Feral). The spider version now has a probability of 0.3 to spawn.
  • Arrow bags from despawned enemies will remain for 20 minutes.
  • Tea, rice wine and bee antidote no longer generate an empty drinking glass; this item no longer exists.
  • Reduced obstacles for vehicles (small bamboo, growing bushes).
  • Collider for spike traps enlarged to make them easier to hit when upgrading.
  • Converted home-grown bamboo into a tree. It should now behave like a tree when it is cut down.
  • Cherry tree has been given a new trunk texture.
  • Added the chance of poisoning to eggs and raw mushrooms.
  • Increased the chance of poisoning for existing foods with poisoning.
  • Added the chance of a visual buff to raw mushrooms.
  • Added healing for food poisoning to the three types of tea.
  • The Well workbench can now only be placed on ground with Fertile Level >1 (e.g. Forestground).
  • Added Silk Threads and Spindle as quest rewards for T1+2 quests.
  • Added cobblestones as questreward T1.
  • Added bowstring as questreward T2-4.
  • 2 recipes sorted into a group so that they are displayed correctly in the crafting list.
  • The simple irori can now be crafted without skill points (level 2+3 unlockable with 5 and 7 points respectively).
  • Bows and crossbows are now repaired with dried sinew.
  • Crafting bowstring is 50% more expensive.
  • Silk cloth can now be scrapped into silk threads.
  • Mulberry seedlings removed from loot.
  • The water bucket for taming horses is now made from water bottles (no need to fill buckets with water at the lake).
  • Vehicle HP increased again.
  • You can walk or ride through small bamboo (bamboo model 1 & 2), now a little less dangerous, especially for horses.
  • Adjusted the speed of our animals to vanilla. They are now all a little slower than the player's walking speed.
  • If the wrong tool is used when upgrading blocks, the correct one is now displayed as an icon and a message.
  • The entire Silk Road can now only be upgraded with the small shovel, previously the mulberry leaves could still be upgraded with the stone axe.
  • Significantly reduced the spawn of pandas in the world to make them more valuable and minimize damage to bases.
  • Revised the entire Recipes.xml (order in the XML) and adjusted crafting times for various recipes.
  • Adjusted all tables in the Butcher package to full block height so that things can be placed on them.
  • Replaced iron and tamahagane icons with screenshots of the new ingot models.
  • Reduced the number of zombies that can be called by a screamer and reduced the max number of living zombies during this horde.


  • New blocks added to the AAM_Torture package (aam_bones, aam_gore_1, aam_skeleton,aam_skulls).
  • Added helper blocks for various blocks and combined them into multiblocks.
  • Added dried meat as food for Irori T1 to be able to process meat early in the game.
  • Added storage crates with new crate icons (clothes, silk, bees, paints, armor, vegetables).
  • Recipes with more than one output product per crafting process show this number in the crafting window.
  • Tea update: New tea varieties added, there is now green tea, black tea and pu-erh tea. Matching buffs, precursors and recipes have been added. Also available in loot and from the trader. Matching journal entry added. Matching icons added.
  • Added nausea as a buff: Various raw fruits and vegetables (currently peach, nashi, cabbage, radish, turnip) increase a counter; if a critical mark is reached, you must vomit and lose 50% food and water and raw food is blocked. Over time, the counter is automatically reduced (-1 per second); below the critical mark,you can eat raw fruit/vegetables again. However, these increase the counter again, so be careful.
  • With the teas, healing candies and root tea you can speed up the counter for a limited time (then -5 per second), but you do not become immune.
  • Descriptions of the items, the buffs and in the journal should make it clear which item fulfills which function.

Patchnotes 3.0.62

According to our tests, no restart is necessary. However, some changes may only take effect after one day in the game or after creating a new savegame.

This version of the mod is fully compatible with 7 Days version 21.2. Existing savegames from 21.1 are compatible in our experience.


  • The middle growth stage of home-grown bamboo is now removable.
  • The quest “Kill Rabbits” now also includes the Asia Rabbits.
  • The quest in AAM_House_0 has been fixed (a zombie volume has reached over the edges of the prefab).
  • Pandas no longer slide around while eating.
  • Convinced blocks to stop letting water through (fixed water basin in Bigproperty1).
  • Block AAM_Altar was positioned incorrectly.
  • Corrected the recipe for the Book of the Mace.
  • Corrected the reference to which perk unlocks the mace.
  • Fixed the blocking of the slots in the backpack.
  • Removed the functional Tee-Irori from the helper, so that the error in the quest acceptance of certain buildings has been fixed.

POI Fixes

  • The AAM_Phoenixtemple_1 now sparkles in fresh colors again.
  • Removed the straw from the wall of AAM_Tanaka_Stable.
  • Swept out error message in AAM_Blacksmith (mutually blocking blocks).
  • Removed error message from AAM_House_1 (mutually blocking blocks).
  • Replaced floor in AAM_Livingquarter1.
  • Dragon POI no longer has a difficulty indicator.
  • Corrected the wall in map 4k_3.


  • Removed mod slots of the bamboo spear, as the mods are lost when destroyed.
  • Some objects in AAM_Tools, AAM_Vehicles and HB_Build6 reworked.
  • The bamboo spear now also increases the heavy attack skill.
  • You can now sell bark as a 50-pack at the trader.
  • Cobblestones now appear more often in the loot.
  • The landclaim block is now made of wood.
  • Increased the amount of cobblestones at the merchant and added them to the offer between merchant level 1 and 75.
  • The vanilla chest in Farmhouse_16 has been replaced with an Asian chest.
  • Vehicles adapted to the changed conditions of A21 (Handcart increased from 1000 to 2500 HP / Horse increased from 500 to 4000 HP / Sailcart increased from 3000 to 8000 HP).
  • Cedar tree revised in color.
  • Workbench well can now be repaired with cedar wood.
  • Changed all bows to the primitive bow model (for now).
  • Slightly reduced the zombie and animal spawn during the day and night.
  • Removed the stone arrows (recipe, loot, merchant).
  • Increased the enemy damage of the bamboo arrow from 15 to 21.
  • Changed some of the CreativeMode displays to make it easier for POI builders.
  • The well now takes longer to produce water (at least 12 ingame hours).
  • The tools now do significantly less damage against zombies.
  • Slightly increased the stack size of bamboo arrows, clay pots and fermentation vessels.
  • The loot from dish sets now contains vegetables instead of meat.
  • Reduced tea leaves in the green tea recipe.
  • The bags of arrows that drop from zombies/animals no longer disappear so quickly.
  • Zombies reorganized, hitpoints and XP adjusted.
  • Created completely new zombie groups for wandering hordes, building spawns, blood moon hordes, screamer hordes and area spawns.
  • Made the candles placeable and added a short burn time.
  • XUI CraftingTime color adjustable in the styles - currently it has a reddish color.
  • XUI Creative menu: You can now recognize what is selected, adjustable in the styles (currently quite dark).
  • Credits in the main menu revised.
  • The Screamer zombies have been provided with new models.


  • Added Red Panda (like Giant Panda not eliminable).
  • Added collectible tutorial posters.
  • Added the bow mod “Tong Ah”.
  • Added a new arrow type, craftable from iron arrowheads and bamboo.
  • New zombies AAM_Miyoshi, AAM_Imagawa, AAM_Henrogasa_Alt2 and AAM_Henrogasa_Alt3 added.
  • New Kakemono wall pictures (9 pieces) added.
  • Added more farmer and lord zombies (still without final models).
  • Added two new zombie groups (farmers and soldiers) for POI builders.

Patchnotes 3.0.31

  • Missing category tags added to the workbenches.
  • Removed player recipes from various workbenches.
  • The small animals (rabbits, chickens, deer) give the planned items again when dismantling.

Patchnotes 3.0.29

According to our tests, no restart is necessary. However, the changes to the POIs may only become visible when a new savegame is created.


  • The loot of the Burried Supplies quest level 2 and 3 are correct again.
  • Samurai note quest no longer triggers red error messages.
  • The cart “hb_market_cart” no longer gives paper when harvesting.
  • The recipe books of tools and weapons no longer generate an error when read and level the matching “Complete” perk.
  • Glued the flying parts back on the zombies.
  • “From the Shadows” skill can be leveled again.
  • Fixed exception when Dynamic Music is turned off.
  • Fixed footsteps for all zombies except spiders and crawlers, which have no footsteps even in vanilla.
  • Added biome bind to the Legendary Armor quest in hopes that the pieces will no longer spawn underwater.
  • Adjusted the healing values of the simple healing bandage, the improved healing bandage and the medikit to the displayed values.
  • Removed the unlocking of T2 and T3 armor from the progression.
  • Corrected the quest to recover the map.
  • Crafted items no longer “randomly” go into the belt.
  • The animal tracker for the skill “The Hunter” now shows the tracks at every level above 10, not only at level 10, 30 and 60.
  • The path to the 3D model of the container for the Twitch integration has been adapted to the new Unity package.
  • Adjusted the description of the ““Trader Friend”” skill.
  • Reduced the difficulty of traders to 0 (no more skulls in the name display).
  • Revised the animations of the animals (except tigers).

POI Fixes

  • aam_pharmacy_1 removed the A19 “transition blocks”.
  • aam_phoenixtemple_1 removed coffee.
  • aam_courthouse removed coffee.
  • aam_phoenixtemple_2 pitfall removed.
  • aam_butcher_2 removed aloe plants and replaced them with medicinal plants.
  • aam_marketquater_1 removed aloe plants and replaced them with medicinal plants.
  • aam_plaza_1 removed aloe plants and replaced them with medicinal plants.
  • aam_schoolquarter removed aloe plants and replaced them with medicinal plants.
  • aam_store_6 small optical errors corrected.
  • aam_tavern_3 small optical errors corrected.
  • aam_farmhouse_3 small optical errors corrected.
  • aam_store_2 small optical errors corrected.
  • aam_blacksmith_1 roof part added.
  • aam_mansion flooding eliminated.
  • aam_ricefield_1 flooding removed.
  • aam_farmhouse_17 collapsing roof reinforced.
  • aam_carpenter_1 number of spawning zombies increased from 1-3 to 2-3.
  • Corrected the lighting mood at Trader Nadeshiko.
  • The mountain trader has received an upgrade.


  • Rice slime can now be made with only one rice.
  • Henrogasa blue is now brown because it is more realistic.
  • Zombie Armor reworked (Mini Me).
  • No more time and day displayed on the map.
  • Removed the tool quests for getting fragments from the trader dialog (quest still available due to savegame compatibility).
  • Created a new zombie group with zombies with low HP (≤300) and changed the daytime spawn to this group.
  • Added the unlocking of resource packs to the “Tool Complete” perk
  • Added the mining lantern as a reward for completing the T2 quests (previously available in the tool quests at the trader)
  • The POI names of wall parts (exception: the gates), road parts, palisades and decorative elements are no longer displayed ingame.
  • The quest to recover the map has been simplified.
  • Added various blocks and items to the crafting categories and removed unnecessary duplicate recipes.
  • Updated the translation file.
  • Updated Japanese translation file (thanks Chiko).


  • Added a variant without sound for all waterfalls (no sound).
  • Name of the samurai zombie added.
  • Area protection block is now a Japanese lamp (emits weak light).
  • Added the picture motif to the name of the storage baskets and crates (was hard to recognize in the preview).
  • Description added to the bamboo baskets as storage space.

Patchnotes 3.0.1

This update is mainly adjustments for the A21. Therefore, game saves from the A20 are not compatible and a restart is required.


  • Corrected the position of some buildings on maps 4k_3 and 2k_1.
  • Revised some POIs (wrong blocks, outdated blocks).
  • Removed flying weapon stand from wooden club.
  • Corrected the texture of Wall006.
  • Fixed the animation of the double-winged doors in the Castle Pack.
  • Stuck arrows are arrows again, not purple bags.
  • Bars and all other blocks no longer mutate to blocks when upgraded.
  • Only SimpleRotation for MultiDim statues (don't rotate correctly otherwise).
  • Merchants have teleport outside business hours again.
  • Fixed the fetch quest at house 2a.
  • Added a new XML line for the doors at the merchant to close at night.


  • Basic adaptation to A21 (DLL, XML, translation file).
  • Adaptation of the models to the new Unity version.
  • Adaptation of the zombies to the new controller.
  • Adaptation of the animals to the new controller.
  • Adaptation of the vehicles for A21 (Unity physics parameters and XML).
  • Converted the traders from the old system with secret stash stages to the new system with

trader stages.

  • Stone spear removed.
  • The values of the weapons and tools completely revised.
  • Recipes of the weapons adjusted (among other things, classification in the workbenches).
  • Quality levels of weapons and tools removed (only level 1 available now).
  • Dyes no longer stack.
  • Panda no longer does damage to blocks.
  • Added a well as a duecollector style workbench, it produces buckets of water that you can

“open” and get water bottles.

  • Modified the old well as a damaged model.
  • Reduced the loot of water a bit.
  • Senews can now be harvested from other animals.
  • Adjusted the recipe of the grass soup (only one water, but 10 more water when consumed).
  • The availability of the snake antidote at the merchant increased (now from level 1, but more

expensive 😛 ).

  • The amount and probability of water in the loot slightly increased (for example, the well

should now never be empty).

  • Adjusted the recipe of pigments and colors (slightly less resources needed).
  • Adjusted the amount of resources in the map quest.
  • Reduced the amount of resources in the map lost quest.
  • Revised the skill tree and removed unnecessary descriptions.
  • Added some standard resources at the merchant.
  • Enabled pickup of upgraded stations.
  • Deco trees appear later (trader stages 50+) at the merchant.
  • Increased the amount of food at the trader.
  • Woodfence gate animation and texture redone.
  • ahn_bridge and textures redone.
  • AAM_Statues - whole package completely reworked.
  • AAM_Furniture - some furniture reworked.
  • Some assets from AAM_Statues and AAM_Deco_Indoor reworked.
  • Several assets revised from AAM_Carts and AAM_Deco_Indoor.
  • Deer, chicken, rabbit and snake reworked.
  • Tiger completely redone.
  • Wild Beehive reworked (texture was very spongy compared to the environment).
  • Old forge reworked.
  • Buffs on vehicles fixed (luggage hand cart, sailing car mods).


  • New weapons added (Bo, Yari, combat club, Chokonu).
  • Added aam_altar (until now just a simple piece of furniture with candlelight).
  • Added a name for all POIs in the translation file.
  • New objects in AAM_Cabinets, AAM_Deco_Indoor, AAM_Deco_Outdoor.
  • New cart (aam_market_cart).
  • Modified items are also displayed as such in the toolbelt.
  • New wooden doors and hatches installed, replacing the metal reinforced vanilla doors.
  • New bunnies installed.

Version 2

Patchnotes 2.0.42

According to our tests, no restart is necessary.


  • The skill Lucky Looter is now also increasing correctly on servers
  • The sailing car no longer uses player stamina while driving
  • The airplane noise during balloon airdrop is now also disabled on server
  • Legendary armor stats are now displayed correctly and stats are slightly adjusted
  • Removed the unnecessary xpath entries for the mushrooms (yellow warnings in the console)
  • Updated the translation file


  • To fix the disappearing trees ambient occlusion is permanently disabled
  • The hand cart can now be picked up into the inventory
  • The base of the smelting oven has a large stone as a marker to indicate where the front is
  • The colors of the sail are now set a bit richer
  • The trader now also offers secret stash of the lower levels
  • The stone spear can now be built only in workbench level 1+
  • The Naginata can now be built in workbench level 2+, needed materials adjusted
  • The throwing damage of bamboo spear and stone spear is slightly reduced
  • The damage of the Naginata is slightly reduced, the damage of the heavy attack is corrected


- The futon bed is now craftable - Many of the trees are now purchasable as decorative blocks from the trader, they can be selected by multiblock, set once and do not yield resources when harvested

Patchnotes 2.0.33

According to our tests, no restart is necessary.


  • Various descriptions corrected and added
  • Corrected the changing of the belt slots with the controller
  • The skill “Farmer” now also affects the harvest of the blue iris plant
  • Repairing the crates and cages in silk production is now more expensive than the harvesting yield
  • Added the missing line for FeralSense in the zombie template
  • Fixed the recipe for the anvil
  • Removed underground noises for vehicles (grinding and hitting noises)
  • Removed pink marked axe from multiblock iron deco
  • Greatly reduced the chance of empty lootbags on zombies
  • Skill farmer corrected, between level 90 and 100 two additional crop yields
  • Running animation of the horse even without ground contact
  • The bamboo basket now closes with the edge of the block (wall hanging)
  • Mushrooms no longer block the block below
  • Damage and durability display for Hankyu and Yumi bows corrected


  • Plant growth time is different for different plant species
  • The variability of plant growth time is now more limited (+/- 4%)
  • The harvest of the various plants is different depending on the growth time
  • Homegrown rice now gives two rices when harvested
  • Clearer symbol for recipes that must be made in the Yagen
  • Reduced the angle of view of the zombies (vanilla values again)
  • Slightly reduced the possible spawn of zombies per chunk
  • Increased the durability of iron and steel tools slightly
  • The cost for a repair kit slightly reduced, now producible from workbench T1 onwards
  • Speed values of the vehicles adjusted
  • Speed of airdrop balloon reduced and signal horn added


  • New message in the main menu if the game is started with EAC activated by mistake
  • The zombies have a variable amount of HP when spawning
  • Added a new dialog point at the trader offering special quests for tools
  • Added new quests that are offered at different levels in the skills or a certain number of quests, and offer fragments of the tools as a reward
  • Added new baskets and boxes with symbols for sorting, producible as a multiblock
  • Added recipe for the bamboo basket in the workbench T1

Patchnotes 2.0.21

According to our tests, no restart is necessary. However, changes to the POIs are not applied to existing savegames; a new savegame must be started for this.


  • Various descriptions corrected and added
  • Various POIs corrected (collapse, wrong blocks)
  • Hitbox Shuriken corrected (collider raised)
  • Torch holder above crates no longer blocks them
  • Yield of harvested wild Jiangulan, Japonica and Comfrey fixed
  • UI quest to get the map shows correct number of soy
  • Wooden shovel can now be made in level 2 and 3
  • Corrected the size of the traders' teleport areas
  • Action skill Simple bow corrected (incorrectly leveled the club)
  • Corrected shaders of the roofs so that they can reflect light
  • Recipes for lamps and lanterns changed to the correct workbench
  • Pitch ditches burn same time during night as well


  • Small bamboo now only has 20 HP and is considered a deco block (no yield, no XP)
  • Multiblock baskets can now be made in the inventory
  • Increased the number of silk threads in the loot
  • Increased the possibility of broken tools in the loot
  • Volume of zombie voices increased by 4 db
  • Non-Asia savegames can no longer be selected in the menu
  • Defective Hankyu and Yumi now with the model of the simple bow
  • The Clawhammer blueprint now only requires a stone pickaxe
  • Icon of ginseng slices lightened for better visibility


  • The opening and closing sound of the trader is now a gong
  • New icon for the fetch quest bag
  • Added recipe for wooden block (needed e.g. for barricades)
  • Recipe for steel arrowheads added
  • Added tooltip for the workbench needed for the recipe (mouseover)

Patchnotes 2.0.6

  • Animation of the fence door fixed.
  • Collapsing buildings fixed.
  • Tatami healing removed.
  • When sneaking, an icon is now displayed in the lower left corner.
  • Icons for Crossbow added, icons for the water bucket adjusted.
  • Various descriptions added or corrected.
  • Recipe Crossbow T3 fixed.
  • Recipe for rice slime added to Irori T1-3.
  • Removed duplication in credits.
  • Changed the order of horse taming. You now need the bucket of cabbage first. So it should be clearer to the players that you also need to make the water bucket.
  • Set the inventory size of the three baskets in the multiblock to the same size (6×1).
  • The buttons to lock inventory spaces are now visible in the backpack.
  • In the progression, adjusted the value for the Simple Bow so that it can be crafted at level 2 from Lvl 20.
  • Panda scaling corrected (and thus also the physics problems with wild jerking around and oversized arrows).
  • Panda baby now has thicker cheeks for even more aaaaw!
  • Added the tag “BowT1” to the recipe of the primitive bow, so T2 and T3 crafting should really be possible.

Patchnotes 2.0.0

Gameplay changes

  • Skills system reworked. (now learning-by-doing)
  • Workbench system reworked. (now upgrade workbenches)
  • Crafting system weapons/tools reworked. (now recipe books with fragments)
  • Crafting system items/food reworked. (now dependent on workbench)
  • Lighting system reworked. (now torches/lamps with limited burning time)
  • Food system reworked. (now authentic dishes, partly based on each other)
  • Healing items reworked. (now authentic ingredients and compositions)
  • The old upgrade order for blocks reintroduced.
  • Tool/weapon values completely reworked and rebalanced.
  • Food/healing values completely reworked and rebalanced.
  • Loot in crates and merchants completely reworked.
  • Quest partially reworked/simplified and some new ones added.
  • New weapons/tools added. (wooden sword, stone pickaxe, hankyu, yumi)
  • New production line for silk added.
  • Added new production line for honey/beehives.
  • Added new diseases and antidotes. (bee sting, snake bite)
  • Added new defenses. (fire trap, palisades, upgradable walls)

Visual changes

  • Replaced almost all vanilla trees by own trees. (60 different models)
  • Own grasses and bushes added.
  • Rocks and resource stones replaced.
  • New landscape blocks added. (fog fields, waterfalls and water areas)
  • Many new decoration and loot blocks added.
  • New walls and roofs added. (some still WiP)
  • Workbenches reworked/replaced.
  • New transportation vehicles added. (handcarts, sailing carts, horse)
  • Trader figures replaced by Asian 3D models.
  • Trader voices replaced by exclusively recorded Japanese sentences.
  • Trader POIs reworked/newly built.
  • Zombie voices replaced by a larger number of sounds.
  • New animals added. (chicken, deer, tiger, panda, snake, horse)
  • Replaced the dynamic music system with Asian music tracks.
  • Added new loading screens and texts.
  • Reworked the journal entries and adapted them for the Asia mod.
  • Removed some of the POIs, reworked all POIs, added a few new ones.
  • Unified size of POIs in preparation for randomly generated maps.
  • Created new map 4k and small map 2k. (old maps not usable anymore)

Other changes

  • Performance improvement by optimizing the 3D models.
mod/changes.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/04 19:09 by alloc